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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Jazz musician Leonard McIntyre – photo courtesy of Leonard McIntyre

Leonard (Riley) McIntyre was born in Montreal, Quebec in 1934. As a child in Montreal Leonard enjoyed having jazz legend Oscar Peterson as a next door neighbour. Leonard believes it was this early influence which helped foster a life-long love of music.

Leonard McIntyre moved to Windsor in the mid 1940’s. As a young man he pursued many interests but it was his attraction to music that was foremost and set him on his musical journey. Still in his teens Leonard returned to Montreal to launch is career as a

Jazz musician Leonard McIntyre - photo courtesy of Leonard McIntyre  

professional bass player. He played at many venues in the Montreal area and after a short stay returned to the Windsor area.


Mr. McIntyre’s musical career in the area has spanned over 40 years. He has played with many well known musicians and bands in Windsor and Detroit, Michigan. Leonard along with Kenny Brinkley on sax, Don Whited on drums and Ernest Wilson on piano, formed the Decoys (as seen below in 1960). He played frequently in the posh Playboy Club in Detroit. In the mid 1960’s McIntyre was part of the Bobby Laurel trio and played at many prominent venues. Leonard is also pictured below as a member of The Contemporary Art Ensemble in 1977. The other members of the ensemble were Ray Bower,

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Alexander Zonjic, Al Linnell, Gary Findley and ‘Funky Fred’. Leonard was also well known in Windsor as part of Triad a trio which included Ray Bower and Al

Linnell. Leonard was described in the Star article below from 1987 as a ‘stalwart musician’ with a wide knowledge jazz standards.

Leonard McIntyre was a member of the Board of Directors for the Federation of Musicians in Windsor for several years. He was very concerned with helping protect the rights of his fellow musicians. As a member of the board Mr. McIntyre was involved with many contract negotiations and especially recalls heated negotiations with a prominent American casino owner.

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