The African Canadian Connection is a key element of the Windsor Mosaic
Project. Foundations: The African Canadian Connection has been made
possible by the contributions of the following project partners.
of Canada
Windsor Mosaic Project is funded by the Government of Canada. It
is a Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Job Creation Partnership
project. The project is managed for H.R.S.D.C. by Career Development
Services in Windsor.
Public Library
Windsor Public Library is a partner in this project. Windsor Public Library includes
9 branch libraries, the Central Library, Windsor's Community Museum and Windsor's
Community Archives.
The African Canadian
Community Centre of Windsor and Essex County (A.C.C.C.W.E.C)
The A.C.C.C.W.E.C is
the community sponsor of this project, and is
committed to preserving and promoting African Canadian heritage.
They have provided
guidance, information, resources and countless hours to the development
of this website. Mrs. Nancy Allen is the Chair of Special Projects
for the African Canadian Community Centre and has donated countless
hours to the project.
The Windsor Mosaic Group
Heather Meharg-Soulliere – Researcher/Exhibit Designer
Lily Hong Yan – Web Developer
opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada.